The United States will remain steadfast in our defense of Internet freedom and a multi-stakeholder-driven Internet governance model, as well as continue our support for norms of state behavior in cyberspace that facilitate international trade and commerce, the authors wrote. 美国将坚定不移地捍卫网络自由,以及由多方利益相关者共同驱动的网络监管模式,并将继续支持促进国际商贸的国家网络空间行为规范,三位作者写道。
The Conference of Chinese and African Entrepreneurs is co-hosted by China Council for the Promotion of International Trade and African chamber of commerce, industry, agriculture and service. 中非企业家大会是由中国国际贸易促进会和非洲工商会联盟共同举办。
They wanted to land in the Port of Los Angeles, because it is one of the premier US gateways for international trade and commerce. 他们本来是想在洛杉矶港登陆的,因为那里是美国国际贸易及商务的主要门户。
The Methods for Dealing with the Temperature-Crack about Changchun International Trade and Commerce Center 长春国际商业贸易中心温度缝的处理
The second chapter introduce international taxation jurisdiction under the traditional trade, and then analyze Electronic commerce bring challenge for actual taxation jurisdiction by the numbers, elicit international taxation principle that Electronic commerce taxation jurisdiction should persist in. 第二章介绍了传统交易方式下的国际税收管辖权,进而得以系统地分析了电子商务活动对现行税收管辖权的挑战,得出了电子商务的税收管辖权应该坚持的国际税收原则。
In international civil proceedings, it is common that courts of different countries have jurisdiction over the same dispute simultaneously, especially in an era of increasing international trade and commerce. 在国际民事诉讼领域,就同一争议多个国家的法院均可主张管辖权的情况并不鲜见,而此时当事人若在不同国家法院起诉,则可能形成国际平行诉讼。
This article analyzes the international trade and its development trend by investigating the present trade frictions between China and foreign countries, and provides the corresponding settlement strategies from the point of view of government, enterprise, and chamber of commerce etc. 本论文旨在通过考察中外贸易摩擦的现状,分析其未来的发展趋势,并针对中外主要贸易摩擦形式,从我国政府、企业、行业商会等层面提出相应的应对策略。
As one of the most effective means of international trade and commerce, tendering is the most important economic reform measures in all levels of life. 作为国际贸易的有效手段之一,投招标一直是各行各业经济体制改革的重要措施。
Along with the development of international trade and the informationization, the trade stepped on the electronic commerce stage, but, more and more trade risks come out. 随着国际贸易和信息化的发展,贸易进入了电子商务阶段,但是,贸易风险也越来越多的显现出来。